Photo taking tips & tricks

In order for our dermatologists to make the most accurate analysis of your skin, please follow the suggestions below.
  • For an ideal photo and the most accurate analysis, use a camera that has a high resolution (6 megapixels or higher if possible) and no filters. This will allow your clinician to better evaluate your skin.
  • If possible, enlist the help of a friend to help you in lieu of a selfie.
  • Photos should be taken with good lighting in front of a neutral background free of distraction. Daylight and solid white, grey or blue backgrounds are usually best. 
  • Remove makeup and jewelry, pull hair back and wear clothing that doesn't cover your neck. 
  • Take one photo where your face and neck fill the "frame" and additional close up photos on specific areas of concern. 
  • Be sure to include a few different angles: looking straight ahead, and the right and left sides of your face. Hold the camera parallel to your skin; do not angle up or down. 
  • Check photos before submitting and retake if the picture is blurry or if there are shadows.