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Acne is caused by the combination of clogged follicles, sebum (oil), bacteria, and inflammation, compounded by hormonal imbalances and an accumulation of dead skin cells. 

Symptoms of this common problem range from mild with blackheads to severe with cysts and abscesses seen on the face, chest, neck and/or shoulders.

What makes acne-prone skin different from normal skin?

  • Normally functioning skin produces oil that easily empties onto the surface of the skin and sheds dead skin cells normally, whereas acne prone skin produces excess oil and skin cells that fail to shed at a normal rate, thus clogging pores.
  • When combined with the acne gene, bacteria, hormonal fluctuations and inflammation, acne develops.

To treat it, count on regimens that incorporate a variety of medications for a multi-pronged approach. Your regimen may include the prescription ingredients clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, tretinoin, tazarotene, or adapalene.  And, some forms of moderate to severe acne responds best to oral medications, which docent can provide. The doctor will customize your regimen in all cases.

Read Dr. John Yost's article on diet and acne here.

What Causes Acne and What Can I Do About It? Dr. Falola Has Some Answers